is the Goal

National Parks

I am in awe of the beauty of nature, and it is no better represented than in the National Parks across the country. Unfortunately, living on the East Coast means that most of them are a long plane ride away, but that just makes me appreciate them even more when I finally get to visit.

Pictures without links are a sneak peek of what is to come.

Grand Tetons, WY

A surprise hit with everything you could want.

Yellowstone, WY

It’s all about the geysers and buffalo here.

Acadia, ME

There are few places where you can be hiking a mountain while also gazing out at the ocean.

Denali, AK

Wilderness at its finest.

Arches, UT

Luckily the rocks provide shade for the hot summers.

Kenai Fjords, AK

Find winter even in the summer.

Everglades, FL

Just don’t try to take a selfie with an alligator.

Craters of the Moon, ID

It really feels like you’re on another planet.

Canyonlands, UT

Don’t get to close to the edge

Saguaro, AZ

Cacti for miles